Our service area includes Marin County, plus parts of Sonoma County, with occasional forays beyond. 

 Fill out a Consultation Form - we'll email you within 24 hours

Contact info: 

Email - k9consultations@gmail.com

Text - 415-842-2640



Canine behavior problems can seriously impact our lives and the lives of our friends and families.   Whether it's dog to dog aggression, anxiety, or other issue, our goal is to enhance the human/animal bond, using non-invasive, humane techniques.   Our training is science and relationship based, balanced, practical and realistic.  We are experienced in handling many different kinds of behavior problems


Consultations are very different from dog training, which generally concentrates on obedience exercises, and requires up to eight or more visits.  Consults, on the other hand, target specific behavior issues, and the modification methods do not require as many home visits.   


I currently specialize in small to medium dogs, older clients, anxiety and phobias.  

         Behavior problems we address include:

  • Fearful or anxious behavior
    • Isolation issues
    • Separation issues
    • Control issues  
  • Obsessive compulsive behavior
    •  Light chasing, tail chasing, spinning, obsessive licking
  • House soiling challenges
  • Destructive behavior
  • Cat-dog behavior problems
  • Training issues

We offer consultations in your home and, in some cases, by phone.  The first home visit consult usually lasts about an hour and a half,  and any follow ups are generally about an hour, depending on the behaviors being addressed.  Phone consults are generally 45 minutes to an hour. 


Do you feel a private consultation is right for you?  Please fill out the online form.  If possible, it would be very helpful if you can videotape your animal’s problem behaviors. We will contact you within a day. 


  • Single Consultation - Plan on 75 minutes to 2 hours at your home.   Most separation anxiety/destruction/or house training issues only need one consult.
    • Consult includes notes and training program, if appropriate, as well as email and/or phone follow-up.  Fees range in price depending on problem and location.
  • Rates:   Home consults vary according to behavior issues and distance:  Range -  $190 to $225 for initial home visit, depending on location.  $140 to $160 for follow ups.  Mileage fees may apply.    Phone consults:  $100.00 per hour.


Before we adopted our bulldog / cattle dog rescue, Max, at 10 months old, it's likely he'd seen some hard times. He came to us with separation anxiety and unpredictable aggression towards men. To complicate matters, our normally outgoing and otherwise dog-savvy cat, Lolita, absolutely hated him. We met with Trish several times, and during each visit she was straightforward and compassionate, and provided a very actionable, practical training regimen. With her help, we can now safely leave Max at home for reasonable periods of time, and his periodic aggression has nearly disappeared. And, even more amazingly, he and Lolita couldn't be better friends. We are so grateful for her help. 
-Shari & Don Cravens


Your training changed our lives. We started working with Jaanu on the tips you gave us and they worked wonders. She still has some separation anxiety but she is able to cope on walks, instead of being terrified... She is able to take a command when a dog or person approaches her rather than reacting and calm down. She actually just turns away if she doesn't want to be bothered instead of barking. She also lets strangers touch her now!!! I don't allow it too much but the occasional passer by who puts their hand out or pats her isn't received with barking and lunging!

Our dog walker, Christine, would say she is like a new dog. I take her running, I walk in an open outdoor mall with her, she is able to even sit with us at restaurants as the waiter looks her in the eye!!!

Sahana and Rohit

June, 2017

Trish King was recommended to us to help us train our very exuberant and adventurous young rescue poodle-mix pup. In particular, we were having trouble training him to become reliable off leash and had just about given up.


Trish came in and shared with us her wisdom and expertise all in a very even and supportive manner. We soon started to see some good results and over time our dog is now able to be off leash in certain circumstances and does beautifully. We still check in with Trish from time to time and she always is accessible and very helpful. 


She is a true gem and we recommend her whole-heartedly.


Ed and Sharon Cushman



Thank you for showing me different training techniques and offering suggestions for tools to use with Otis. His flirt pole is in the mail and I agree, he is going to love this activity.  After reading through the notes of our session and processing all that we discussed, I am greatly appreciative that in such a short time you were able to clearly and succinctly answer my most pressing concerns.  I'm sure you have heard it a thousand times, but I need to chime in:  You have a true gift in assessing people, dogs, and bestowing information in a way that is clear and invigorating. 
Thank you for your time and thoughts around my precious dog, Otis.
With deep gratitude,
Steph, 8/16

"Let me thank you again for visiting us and Luna. It's a year later, and her behavior Is literally night and day. Without your tips And perspective, we would not be where We are. Luna is the babiest part of our
Family, and she is cherished.
St. Francis thanks you for being
The voice of the voiceless."

Marsha Marani

September, 2015

"In the 34 years I have shared my life with dogs (Berners of course!) I can’t think of any other person who has been more helpful and influential in my learning and training process.  You truly are the “dog whisperer” and seem to understand what makes each and every dog tick in a way that eludes most others.  I’m truly grateful to have benefited from your training, knowledge and advice in my 14 or so years at MHS.

There isn’t a day that goes by with Holly (who now is just a happy normal family dog) that I don’t think of you and the fact that without your help things would be very different."


~Kathie Meier


"My permanent foster boy, Henry, has multiple behavioral and physical issues that make him ineligible for adoption. Trish has been an incredible support! With her help, I have learned a lot about what makes Henry tick; she has also taught me how to come up with strategies to set Henry up for success and keep my own stress at a manageable level. Trish is knowledgeable, compassionate, and open-minded--she is also a great listener. Thanks to her, Henry is living a very happy, successful, and full life and I feel much more confident as a dog handler."


~Cathy Tsao


 "I first saw Trish King at a conference in Sacramento and was impressed by her presentation on pit bulls.  I later met her in person when the shelter I worked at needed her opinion on an aggressive dog and she was nice enough to squeeze us into her busy schedule to help us.  Again I was impressed by her professionalism and straight-forward yet understanding explanation of the options we had for that dog.   A few years later I attended her CBA courses and interned at the Marin Humane Society where I learned to understand and recognize dog behavior.  After finishing the CBA courses and interning under Trish King, I was able to gain confidence in my abilities and start my own dog training business.  I could not have done this without the help and guidance of Trish King."

~Alex Militar



"To echo the comments of others I’d like to mention Trish’s wealth of knowledge, her seemingly bottomless bag of tricks and her special brand of empathy with clients. What others may not have noted is her talent as a teacher and trainer’s trainer. I have had the opportunity of observing her work seamlessly with us, as class members, and a neophyte instructor at the same time. A rare skill!"
 ~Gail Lubin

"I'd been in the company of dogs off and on for most of my life and until Trish King taught me about canine behavior I thought I knew dogs.  As it turned out, I just loved dogs but I really didn't know them.  Thanks to Trish, I now know dogs and love them even more, and my relationships with them are infinitely richer because of it.  Trish's  book, "Parenting Your Dog," is a must-read for anyone thinking of letting a dog come into their life."


~Bob Edwards


"Trish is funny, honest, and always ready to share her vast knowledge and experience in helping people form successful relationships with their dogs. When presented with a problem behavior, she quickly evaluates the canine-human relationship and finds solutions that work for both the owner and the dog. I've learned so much from Trish . . . she's given me many tools that help my husband and me manage our two large, rambunctious sweethearts--the most challenging dogs I've ever had."

~ Marlia Berg


"Trish is great! She knows everything there is to know about dogs. We tried the popular “Tsh Tsh” technique but it only got our dog, Bailey, more aggressive toward men. Once we tried Trish’s “parenting” way and positive reinforcement, our dog responded much better. Now, Bailey enjoys going to classes with his daddy!"


~Yuching Desch