If you cannot take a live class, it doesn't mean you can't take some online and in the comfort of your own home. Sign up for online classes, in the comfort of your own home.  Register for ONLINE courses here: ONLINE REGISTRATION


Enroll in as many academy classes online as you like.   All the courses are listed in the dropdown to the right and on the registration page


The courses are done seminar style, with outlines you can download, as well as an audience.   The class courses range from $85.00 for a 9 or 12 hour course, to $125.00 for the 15 hour foundation course.  Should you decide to take a class, Trish will be available for questions via email.  If you're interested, and would like to learn more, you can email Trish at


If you wish to work towards ADB Certification, you can do so by taking the online courses.   Please visit this page to find out how. 

Academy of Dog Behavior

Foundation Course in Behavior & Training

Teaching People, Teaching Dogs


Begin with Foundation - Instincts, Emotions and Body Language. This is a 15 hour class, which includes lecture, video, and demonstrations with dogs.


Canine Ethology, Body Language and Social Structure 

   Theories on the origin of the species and its progression to the variety of dog breeds of today. 

   Body language and communication - how to interpret dog behavior and communicate as clearly as possible.   Discussion of the senses, capabilities and emotions of dogs.

   The natural social structure of the dog, and how it can be used in the human/dog relationship.    

Safe handling and evaluation basics

   Development of observational skills in order to predict canine behavior.  

   Fundamental development of skills to maximize safety while handling dogs.  

   Process of assessing dogs in order to maximize appropriate placement with potential owners


Class is $125.00


Concentrated Courses

Intensive 9 or 12 Hour Behavior Modules

These modules provide an optimal format for taking a "deep dive" into the topics of your choice.  Each module is 9 or 12 hours, and the fee for each is $85.00


Intensive Modules Registration

Life Stages This class takes you through the different stages of a dog's life - puppyhoood, maturity and aging.  We discuss what behaviors you can expect during each of these stages, and what behavior modification will look like.


Shelter Evaluations

Evaluating shelter dogs is more art than science. You need to understand the mental state of the dog you’re looking at and what the behaviors you see today might morph into tomorrow. In a very real way, you are deciding the fate of an animal, and perhaps of future owners. In this recorded course, we go through each of the types of tests currently being used, as well as actually evaluating a series of dogs, drawing conclusions and explaining our findings.


Breed Temperament and Behavior

Dog breeds don't just look different, they act different.   Breed types - herding dogs, terriers, bullies and guardians - were all bred for different purposes, and we need to expect them to act appropriately for their history.  In this class, we discuss the similarities and differences, and how to get the most out of teaching each one. 


Working with Fearful Dogs

Fear is the most primitive and necessary of all emotions – but it’s also the one that interferes most with the lives of us and our companions. Fear can be the reason a dog is difficult to handle or aggressive in a shelter or in a home. Behavior modification can be subtle and time consuming, challenging for most people to deal with. As a result, fear issues can cause anxiety that wrecks havoc on our homes. This module recaps the various causes of fear, body language as displayed by different breed types, common mistakes and appropriate behavior modification techniques for both shelter and owned dogs.


Anxiety - Separation and General

Many of our dogs are living in stressful situations - some come from unfortunate, neglectful or even abusive backgrounds.  Some have never learned to be alone.   This module focuses on  anxious dogs, and how to help ease their anxiety and help them live comfortable lives.  As with most of the modules, there are live consultations as part of the class.


How Dogs Learn

In this course, we discuss how to teach dogs, and how they learn.  Included in this module are operant conditioning, classical conditioning, single event learning and observational learning,


Real Life Behavior Modification - Conducting Consultations

There's an art to conducting a consultation.  Of course, it includes gathering enough information to help the client.  But it also involves gaining the trust of both the client and the dog.  This module involves a discussion of the skills necessary, role playing and doing actual consults.  


Working with Reactive dogs

This module is aimed at helping owners (or ourselves) with reactive dogs.  These dogs can be just frustrated, afraid or truly aggressive.   Their motivation will influence how we address the issues.    It's also important to assess the response of the handler or owner, who might be inadvertently reinforcing what he or she doesn't want to.  As with all behavior problems, there are no easy answers. 


Multiple Dog Families

Multiple Dogs - There's generally both luck and skill involved when you own more than one dog.  Luck in choosing dogs that are compatible...skill in keeping them compatible and possibly adding more dogs. 




"Trish has an amazing way of sharing years of experience and knowledge on canine behavior; by serving as a translator of sorts between dog speak and human speak, her teachings are not only incredibly fun and entertaining, but have an enormous educational value that is helping bridge the gap between people and their dogs, improving relationships, quality of life and giving an insight into a wildly fascinating subject."


~Natalia Martinez

2011 Grad